Robertson, Charles E. 准教授
指導教員 | Robertson, Charles E. 准教授 |
My research interests are somewhat diverse; however, they are related to second-language composition instruction, computer-assisted language learning and English for specific purposes. Since I am primarily a classroom instructor, who is interested in innovative teaching methodologies and instructional technologies, my research tends to investigate classroom practices which support learner autonomy and motivation. (See example research topics below.)
L2 writing instruction:
Understanding Genre and Modalities through Video Storyboarding-- EFL instructors often struggle when trying to create teaching activities that foster native-like modalities in their students’ discourse—both spoken and written. The goal of such lessons is to help students develop a wider repertoire of sentence and verbal modality, and to create appropriate syntax that indicates the predication of attitude, condition, and/or action. This suggests the more general question: How can instructors create project-based teaching approaches that empower students to understand rhetorical positioning and its influence on this type of language use? One means of achieving these objectives is through video storyboarding assignments.
English for specific purposes (ESP):
Pedagogical Concerns and Approaches to EAP Writing Instruction within an ELF Program-- English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) research lends itself well within the domain of spoken English where speakers actively negotiate meaning within shared contexts. In an ELF circumstance, speakers are not bound by native speaker (NS) norms, thus, “communicative success” is measured by the ability to communicate functionally. Yet, what are the implications for writing instruction within an ELF program? And more specifically, how should college-level ELF instructors address the issue of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing since, broadly speaking, EAP assumes that non-native speakers (NNS) should conform to native forms of language use. I have suggested several pedagogical approaches meant to assist L2 writing practitioners who work within existing ELF programs and explored how some tenets of ELF can be incorporated into a multiple-draft, process approach writing classroom. Other related topics: Developing basic communication skills for the sciences through project-based learning and content-based teaching.

准教授:ロバートソン チャールズ エドワード | |
学位 | B.A. English Education / M.A. Composition/Rhetoric (TESOL minor) |
所属学会 | The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT): Framework and Language Portfolio SIG, Computer-assisted language learning SIG, College and University Educators SIG The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET): English for Specific Purposes SIG The Writing Centers Association of Japan (WCAJ) |
研究分野 | L2 composition, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) : science communication, Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) |