青山学院大学 理工学部

DEPARTMENTDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Electronics

Enriching creativity and imagination in diversified and sophisticated research fields of electrical engineering and electronics.


About Research

Electricity, electrons, and magnetism are invisible but indispensable factors for current human society. The range of applications is vast, and innovations are being made every day. By controlling and applying these technologies, electrical engineering and electronics engineering support and promote our lives and society.

We have created an exciting learning environment where students can engage in cutting-edge and creative research, as the applications cover a wide range of industrial fields. For example, we are working on environmental radio waves that have been applied to everything from cell phones to building walls, ultrafast optical quantum electronics, solar cars and robots, living organisms and sensitivity, various sensors using films as thin as a single carbon atom, diamond thin films, nanoelectronics for processing materials the size of atoms, and more. We are exploring the creation of new devices every day. All of our research is cutting-edge, original, and exciting.

Laboratory Introduction